1) 4 Mondays, 7:00-8:30 P.M. Note: Monday will be a Zoom-only class.
2) 4 Wednesdays, Note: Wednesday will be an in-person-only class. Instructor: Rabbi Eli Landes LOCATION In person at Chabad of Fremont Jewish Center, 4251 Peralta Blvd & Via Zoom MORE INFO
510-300-4090 | [email protected] No charge to join the first class. A delicious buffet will be served at each class. Course Overview
Lesson Outline

— 01
Dreams & Direction
Do our dreams hold meaning? Should we be concerned about hidden messages in our nightmares? And if they do indeed hold meaning, how can we decipher them?
This first class explores Judaism's take on dreams, their meanings, and what our attitude to them should be.

— 02
Stars & Signs
Since the dawn of time, mankind has looked to the stars for answers to their destiny. Even today, people attribute fundamental personality traits to the months they're born in. Is there truth to these beliefs? Do the stars control our fate?
Discover the answers in our second class.

— 03
Jinx & The Evil Eye
All around the world, cultures believe in the power of an "evil eye," jinxes, and curses, and offer various means to protect oneself from their powers. What is Judaism's take on this? Do curses and jinxes hold any power?
Find out here.

— 04
Para & Normal
Is there other intelligent life out there in the universe? Does Judaism believe in angels and demons? Can we communicate with the souls of our deceased loved ones?
Explore the unknown in our final class of Jewpernatural.